Kellie Brittingham

Events Coordinator

I have always enjoyed being creative and planning events in our lives, for my kids, and our family. I've also volunteered in many aspects around the church so when I was offered the opportunity to do both of those things for Rev City Church it was an easy YES!! I love creating an atmosphere where people can feel God’s presence and experience His goodness all while having fun!

My husband, Ryan and I have been married since 1996 and have three children that are all in very different stages of life which keeps life moving at a fast pace! Our oldest daughter is getting married in 2023, our second son plays football at the University of Kansas and our youngest son is at Free State High School. Being a busy mom and raising great kids is the most gratifying job that I do!!
In 2021 we sold the dental practice that Ryan and I built for almost 20 years and moved briefly to Buffalo New York, but God called us right back and now we understand He had more plans for us right here in Lawrence! After returning home, getting more involved at Rev City Church was weighing on our hearts. I was praying for a new calling on my life and something to fill the gap left from running a busy dental practice all those years. God answered and I joined the Rev City team as the Events Coordinator.