Ep. 273 - Patching Cracks & Fissures

Jul 28, 2024


Whether it’s the emptiness in our hearts, or a hurt that needs to heal in our lives, it’s important to make sure we fill and dress our souls with the right substance - the right medicine. Worldly fixes applied to fissures in our souls will never last. They’ll break open again and again, leaving us thirsty for another round of patching. Our souls are thirsty for Jesus, for the living water that He offers and for the hope that can outlast difficulties and heal deep wounds. So, next time you realize there are cracks and fissures in your heart, remember to turn to Jesus first and ask Him to come into the situation to bring lasting healing and closure.


“Dear God, I’m sorry that I’ve tried to patch this wound and fill the emptiness in my life with temporary and worldly solutions. Please come fill me and renew me with Your living water so that my wounds can be fully healed and my heart can be full of hope.”


Read and study John 4:10-14.


Take some time to quiet your mind in prayer and ask God to reveal areas in your life that He wants to fill. It could be a recent wound, disappointment or an older hurt that you’ve forgotten about. Pray and ask God to clean the crack in your heart and remove the temporary bandaid you placed on it and fill it with His living water.


Write down how God has filled the emptiness and wounds in your life and share your testimony with others the next time a friend needs encouragement.