Ep. 147 - The Joy of the Lord

Mar 24, 2024


Be encouraged today that this “joy” is not some secret formula or some virtue that only “super spiritual” people have. If you are in Christ, you are a NEW creation, and the joy that Jesus has for you is a guaranteed fruit from the Holy Spirit that you receive when you become a believer!


Father, I ask that You would touch each and every one of us with a deeper revelation of Your joy. Remove in us any roots that seek out worldly or circumstantial joy, instead give us in new measures the joy that can only come from You by way of Your precious Holy Spirit.


Read and study James 1:2, Romans 15:13, and Proverbs 17:22.


Begin creating disciplined habits of “counting it all joy” (James 1:2) as you walk through your day and face all sorts of things — big, small, happy, sad, difficult, or easy. Remember to choose joy on the days that you may not “feel it” or would be tempted to be discontent or discouraged that day. Most importantly, ask the Lord to help you — it is His joy you’re after, not your own!


Encourage your loved ones with these words! Share with them the Bible verses listed above. If a friend comes to you with a difficult issue in their life that is tempting them to be unhappy and discouraged, remind them of the joy of the Lord and pray that over them!