Ep. 336 - Growing God’s Gifts

Sep 29, 2024


In the parable of the three servants, one multiplies the talents he’s been given, one grows the talents, and one hides his away for fear of losing them. Which of these servants does your life look like the most? Are you just trying to maintain the comforts of your life so that you can set up the next generation well? Are you actively trying to work to grow your impact on those around you in a positive way? Or are you like the first servant, investing in the abundance that you’ve been given, and multiplying the talents God’s entrusted you with?


"God, please reveal areas in my life that have become stagnant and too comfortable. Convict me if I’ve hidden the talents You’ve entrusted me with and help me to invest what You’ve given me to grow Your kingdom."


Read and study Matthew 25:14-30.


Pray and determine one area in your life where you could step out of your comfort zone and begin to dream bigger for God’s kingdom here on earth. Figure out what steps are needed to put the dream into action and take the first step!


If you encounter others who feel stuck or stagnant in their walks with God, challenge them to pray and see if they’ve hidden talents out of fear or a desire for comfort. Share how God has been working in your life once you’ve taken the first step out of your comfort zone.