Ep. 135 - The Choice to Rejoice
What thoughts or feelings are taking your joy today? Pray for God to work in those areas. Then, shift your focus to meditate on reasons God has given you to rejoice. If the immediate things in your life seem hard to rejoice over, spend some time thinking about how God has made a way for you to have an eternity of joy when these dark days will be no more.
God, thank You for giving me this day. Thank You for another day that I can grow closer to You and show Your love to others. Thank You for purchasing salvation for me and giving me hope for eternal life beyond any struggles of today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Read and study Psalm 118.
Think of three things that God has blessed you with today, especially things that you may normally take for granted. Thank God for these things. During the day, if you feel like you are getting into a negative mindset, pause and speak God’s word over your day to yourself: Psalm 118:24, “This is the day that the Lord has made; I WILL rejoice and be glad in it.” You can also pray to God to help you walk in His joy during a tough part of your day.
If you are talking with someone who seems to be struggling with heaviness or discouragement, ask them if you can pray with them over that worry or situation that God would fill them with joy in the midst of the challenge. You can also speak words of life over them as you feel like God leads you.