Ep. 1 - Daily Relationship

Oct 30, 2023


Am I making time each day to spend time with God in daily devotion? In the areas of my life where I may be weak or weary, is it possible I need to recommit to daily spending time with God to receive His hope, grace, and strength for that day?


Lord, thank you for your desire to have a daily relationship with me - not just on Sundays and Wednesdays. Help me to prioritize time with you in daily devotion. Thank you for being my daily source of the grace and strength that I need for each day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Read Exodus 16 and/or John 6:25-35


If you currently have daily devotion, keep it up. If you struggle with daily devotion, make a plan to prioritize time with God. One idea: Set up your push notifications within the new Rev City App to receive a daily reminder to engage with God through daily devotion from your church family.


If you encounter someone dealing with an issue, a struggle, a challenge, or a need, encourage them with the hope and strength you have found when you spend time with God. Encourage them that God desires to be their source every day, not just on Sundays. Consider praying with them, or sharing the Revived to Life Devotional with them as a source of encouragement for them.