Ep. 85 - Rev City Missions & Outreaches
Acts 14:27 states “…they began to report all things that God had done…” Take inventory of the things God has done in, around and for you. 1) Tell somebody! 2) Share with your LifeGroup leader. 3) Send an email to encourage someone. 4) Make a positive, encouraging, and God honoring social media post.
God, I really want to fulfill YOUR purpose in my life. I need YOU to walk with me today. I willingly say “yes” to YOU today. Give me the strength and courage to live on mission. By YOUR power and might, I will not look back. I am moving forward in faith, believing that YOU will use me and equip me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Read and study Acts 11-14.
Meditate on the following:
- What is my purpose in life?
- Am I engaged in God’s mission to reach the world?
- Humbly ask God to “open the eyes of your heart” to see His plan for your life.
Prayerfully seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance for ONE neighbor whom you can minister to. Seek out an opportunity to REACH OUT to someone nearby whom you normally don’t notice or talk to on your block. Be aware and concerned about any needs they have; spoken or just observed. Ask God to empower you (& your family) to be the hands and feet of Jesus to this ONE person in your path.