Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.

— Matthew 28:19 —


Perhaps more than ever our city, our nation, and our world needs the hope and healing of Jesus Christ. This is what the Heart for the Kingdom Missions and Outreach fund is all about.

Throughout the New Testament, the Kingdom of God was the primary message and motivation of Jesus. That message is this: Jesus came to forgive us, set us free, and rescue us back to His Kingdom family. He came to restore us back to a relationship with the Father that transcends religion, reconnects us to our true identity, and empowers us to discover and fulfill our purpose in God.


The message and mission of the Kingdom calls us beyond the walls of the church. It breaks down the barrier between the “sacred” and the “secular.” It brings a focus on what matters to God – reaching His precious people wherever they are, with whatever is needed to “reveal” the love of Jesus in a way that causes hearts and homes to be “revived” to life in Christ. That is the mission of Rev City. That is the “Heart” of the Kingdom. For many years, our church has invested no less than 10 percent of our annual budget to Missions and Outreach. While this has been a blessing, our church eldership believes the Lord is calling us to a renewed vision. We believe this vision will bring about a dynamic increase in the Kingdom impact that we make together in the world around us. Because as Rev City, the church is who we are, but building and expanding the Kingdom of God is what we are called and blessed to do.


Each year, our church leadership team will sincerely, diligently, and prayerfully seek the Lord for strategic vision – specific ways that our church family can unify to make an increased difference in our community, nation, and world. In the H4TK vision below, you will discover just a few of the exciting first initiatives we believe the Lord is placing on our hearts – ways that we can “be a church that builds God’s Kingdom”. This vision is exciting, as it will activate our faith and call us to greater levels of purpose together. But for the vision to come to pass, it will require us to be a people of priority and purpose – unifying to live out Matthew 6:33 – “seeking first the Kingdom of God.” While many churches have a missions or building fund in addition to their general or operating fund, we are establishing the “Heart for the Kingdom” fund. More than a ministry or a fund, we seek to build and resource a culture in our church that is set on “building the Kingdom” and “making a difference.” Our eldership is sincerely asking every person and family to both prayerfully and whole-heartedly embrace the vision behind Heart for the Kingdom. For H4TK to advance dynamically, it will call us to be united as a people who are faithful, generous, and strategic – in both our giving and our service – generously giving of our time, our talent, and our treasure.

The Heart for the Kingdom Culture – We will be faithful,
generous, and strategic with our giving and our service!


We faithfully and joyfully tithe to honor the Lord and support the existing and ongoing ministries of the local church. We will faithfully serve in the house of God, helping many people to be reached and welcomed to the family of God.


Above our tithes, we will give offerings to help build the Kingdom through the Heart for the Kingdom Mission & Outreach Fund and the Legacy Building Fund. We will also look for ways to serve in the community through Heart for the Kingdom Outreaches, Missions, or supported Ministries.


We will intentionally seek God for bold faith and abundant provision that allows us to strategically give toward H4TK vision initiatives. We will consider Heart for the Kingdom as part of our financial budgeting, planning and family/estate/legacy planning. We believe the Lord will call and empower many church members to start ministries, establish or advance missions, and launch or lead Kingdom-centered businesses and civic or social initiatives. Just imagine what is possible when every believer embraces their own personal calling, gifting, and purpose to “build the Kingdom” in the church, the workplace, and the community!

If we will unify around this vision and support it faithfully, generously, and strategically with our giving and our service, we believe it will be truly amazing to look back and see all of the ways that the Lord uses us together to advance the Kingdom, reach people with the Gospel, and bless the people of our community in the name of Jesus! Click the tabs below to view current and future H4TK Initiatives.

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