Terry Marshall


As an Elder of Rev City Church, I have the responsibility to ratify, help guide and to support the vision of the Church. I also have the responsibility to review and approve the annual budget along with the reviewing and approving of all major expenditures.  I love to greet at the front door on Sundays mornings and I am involved in the church’s ministry to the Kansas Juvenile Correctional Complex.

I have been attending this church since 1983 and have served in many capacities in the church during this time. My desire is to help people discover and understand God’s purpose for their lives, and to pursue their purpose with passion. Kathy & I are both excited about the direction the Lord is leading Rev City and enjoy interceding in prayer to see God’s purpose accomplished.

I have been married to my beautiful wife Kathy since 1971 and we have 3 daughters, 2 sons in-law, and 4 fabulous, active grandsons. I semi-retired in 2019 and I am currently consulting (part time) with an aerospace avionics equipment manufacturer in the certification of the installation of their equipment in various types of airplanes with the Federal Aviation Administration. When I am not working, I enjoy traveling and playing golf.