Ep. 131 - Why Worship?
I heard someone comment about someone else’s free expression in worship - they said,”they must have more to be thankful for than I do.” I would really like to challenge that statement. We were all sinners saved by grace adopted into the family of God. We ALL have the same amount to be thankful for - some of us are just more aware of it than others.
Lord, I know I can never repay You for all that You’ve done. I can never thank You enough, but help me grow in my ability to express on the outside the extreme gratitude I have in my heart for all that You’ve done for me.
Read Jeremiah 20:13, Psalms 145:3, and Psalms 98:4.
Not only does our worship NOT need to be exclusive to Sunday morning church experiences - it shouldn’t be. Our relationship with the Lord is just that - a relationship. Imagine being in a marriage relationship where you only expressed gratitude one day a week. That’s not going to go well for you. I want to challenge you today to find intentional time to worship throughout the week - maybe it’s during your devotional time right now! Maybe it’s during your commute to work. Find new ways to walk it out and express your gratitude to the King.
People should want what we have! Expressing on the outside the gratitude you have for what God has done in your life is one of the most powerful things you can do. Commit to taking a step forward today in your willingness to express your surrender and gratitude today. What does that look like for you?