Ep. 256 - Gains & Growth

Jul 11, 2024


Are there areas of your life you’ve been lacking on tending to, taking care of…or allowing to overgrow? Have you been sitting back, waiting for something to happen but you haven’t put your hands to the ground and done the hard work? Begin to seek the Lord, spend time with Him, do the thing you’ve been avoiding and watch as God pours His living water over those areas!


“God, I give You my work. The things You’ve called me to steward. They are all Yours. Thank You for entrusting me with these things (name a few!) - big or small. I lean into Your strength and Your endurance to continue working hard to prepare for the harvest You are bringing at just the right time. Thank You, Lord for sending the rain - Your living water! In Jesus’ name, Amen!”


Read and study Genesis 2.


If you have an actual garden, spend some time in the garden reflecting on the work it took to cultivate it while also recognizing the One who grows, gives and generously sends the rain. If you don’t have a garden, just spend time outside reflecting or in prayer - thanking the One who sends the rains!


Tell the people in your life where the blessings and the rain comes from that is being poured onto all the things you put your hands to. Encourage those in your life to pursue the Lord and prepare their fields for His rain!