Ep. 227 - Falling Asleep

Jun 12, 2024


Have you ever caught yourself trying to stay awake when you are sleepy? The same way you fight to stay awake in the natural is the same battle being waged spiritually. It is a fight between your flesh and spirit to stay awake.


"Father God, thank You for Your Son, Jesus, who is the light of the world and in Him there is no darkness. Lord help us to identify through the Holy Spirit any open windows in our lives. Help us Lord to gratify our spirit and not our flesh. In Jesus’ name, Amen."


Read and study Acts 20:7-11. Eutychus was sitting in an open window, which is a dangerous place to sit if you are trying to avoid a fall. Ask yourself if there are things or people in your life that could be open windows?


What are some areas where you may be falling asleep spiritually? Here are some signs you may be falling asleep spiritually: loss of appetite for the Word, no desire to pray, no longer convicted of willful sin, easily offended, entertaining or spreading gossip, or isolating yourself from a community of believers.


Don’t be like the people in this upper room who did not tell Eutychus the open window was a dangerous place to sit. Instead gracefully encourage and help others stay away from any open windows they may have.