Ep. 357 - Steadfast & Strong

Oct 20, 2024


Is there one of the four areas you are feeling attacked in right now? Find scriptures that are the truth to counteract what the enemy is trying to come against you with. Speak out those scriptures over yourself!


“God, today I claim Your authority. I rebuke the schemes of the enemy that are trying to make their way into my life. I speak the name of Jesus, the truth of Jesus into my situation, and I ask for Your supernatural protection. I fix my gaze on You today. May You be my firm foundation and my steadfast strength. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”


Read and study Nehemiah 1-6.


Don’t be caught off guard by the tactics of the enemy. Write down ways he tries to introduce distractions, destruction, discouragement, or deception. It could be when you’re tired, he brings distractions or when you haven’t been in the Word, he brings deception. Take time to pray over each one and ask the Lord to make you aware when those schemes are trying to come against you. Use the Word of God as your weapon to fight back!


If you know someone who is struggling with one of these four attacks of the enemy, share how you got through it and what you used to fight back! Point them to Jesus and the Word of God that is truth and the truth will set them free!