Ep. 285 - There is a Way

Aug 9, 2024


Friends, we have a Sovereign Lord who says He is with us and will never forsake us. If God is trustworthy enough for us to place our eternal soul in His hands, how could we not trust Him for the next five minutes, and the five minutes after that, and then the five minutes after that? Therefore, knowing who our strength and wisdom comes from, there is no situation or circumstance that we may encounter that we cannot overcome.


"Lord Jesus, as the author and finisher of our faith, grow and increase our faith so that we have the faith of a mustard seed."


Read and pray over Proverbs 3:5-6, Matthew 17:20, Luke 17:6 and Genesis 1:2-4.


When we come upon a situation or circumstance that looks or becomes a whole lot bigger than we think we can overcome, let us make the choice not to turn away from or give up on what is in front of us. Let us turn to and ask God for the faith, strength, joy, and peace to overcome the situation or circumstance that is in front of us.


The next time you gather with friends or family, share with them how seeking God for the faith, strength, joy, and peace to deal with the situation or circumstance that was or is in front of you has or is giving you the ability to overcome the situation or circumstance.